The use of traveling is to regulate imagination with reality,
and instead of thinking of how things may be, see them as they are.

Samuel Johnson

I was born in beautiful Rostock on the Baltic Sea in 1979 and grew up with sea water, wind, sandy beaches and fish. Before I started working for a tourism company in 2017, I have been working as a freelance graphic designer since 2005. After 3 years in the company, I took a leave of absence and spent almost 2 years in Tanzania volunteering, traveling and teaching. I’ve been back in the same company since the beginning of 2022 and coordinate now our social projects in East Africa in a part-time position.

I have started my own NGO in Tanzania to support socially disadvantaged girls and women.

I recommend to everyone, at least once in a lifetime, to leave ones home country for a while to become familiar with another culture, language and customs. It really helps you to understand this world from another perspective and will certainly change you forever.


Pepea – Girls & Women Empowerment Tanzania

Pepea Empowerment is an Tanzanian NGO founded by me and local Tanzanians to support vulnerable girls and women in Karatu area with various education offers. We highly depend on donations and are happy about every support.

Amani Kindergarten e.V.

I’m member at Amani Germany since 2020 and help there with content creation for social media in Tanzania.

Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V.

I’m active member at AKO Germany since 2020 and responsible for project documentation in Tanzania and website maintaining as well as social media content production.


For BioWissKomm I coordinate the Corona Video project with Tanzania and I’m also responsible for maintaining the website.